Time to feed the baby! I Hate this! please Arwa help me! I hate this part soooo much but I love my daughter and this is what I can do to keep her healthy!
Article: New Boyfriend
It was bound to happen someday. I just hoped she would be older when she started noticing boys. (Like 25, maybe?) No such luck! I was strict about my dating rules until a couple of weeks ago. I still keep a very close watch on her when he is around. They can't go to movies alone. I make absolutely no excuses for my constant presence. What's nice is, they don't seem bothered by it. Now I am faced with a 13-year-old who is completely and totally convinced that she is in love. And to be quite honest, I think the boy thinks he is in love with her also. From what she tells me, he writes her sweet notes and tells her his feelings. He stares at her while she talks and his eyes are so focused on her. I have to admit that it has been heartwarming watching them go from pushing and shoving each other around to holding hands and hugging goodbye. They sit close together and watch movies or do their homework. They always have huge smiles on their faces. It's nice to see their happiness.
Article: What is Authoritative Parents?
0An authoritative parent is one who sets strong guidelines and rules. This parent properly disciplines their child and assures that the guidelines are being followed. Many people believe that this is the best technique in raising children.
All children need discipline to insure that they will behave and act accordingly. The task is the parents to decide which acts of the children should require a form of discipline. The knowledge and understanding of these things is one of the greatest qualities of authoritative parents who use rules and guidelines to ensure the proper education and behavior of their children.
Article: What is Puberty?
0Between the ages of 10 and 14 most boys and girls begin to notice changes taking place in their bodies. These changes, which occur over a number of years, are generally referred to as puberty.
The changes take place in all boys and girls but they will start at different times and take place at different rates. Not everyone starts puberty between the ages of 10 and 14, some people start younger, and some much later. Similarly, in some people all the changes take place in two years, and in others they can take as long as four years. Generally they start between ages 7 and 13 in girls and ages 9 and 15 in boys.
Oh no! boyfriend alert! 15 Years old!
0The time that I mostly feared has come. A boyfriend has come. Now Isabelle Sofia is 15 and a boy is in love with Isabelle Sofia. We as parents do not know what to do. For us, she is too young to have a boyfriend. She does not have the maturity enough to handle a boyfriend. I do not want her to get hurt. I am so scared. Arwa and I need to talk about this and come to a desicion. If we want her to have a boyfriend or not because school is first. She is now liking boys and boys are liking her now that she is almost over with puberty. Lets all hope that everything goes okk I love my daughter so much.
Isabelle wants to party all night long! 14 years!
0This is a stage of her life were she wants to hang out with her friends instead of her parents. We are not completely sure of letting her go out yet but we think of ourselves as teenagers and we both loved going out. We are both trying to be authoriative parents because we think it is the best way to handle kids. We try to work things out that benefit her and us. For example we want her to know that she can go out but we have certain rules and if she does not follow those rules she will receive a punisment. When we don't give her permission to do something, we explain why, that is why we are athoritative parents.
She's doing really good on her school and getting all A's which lets us know she can balance her studies with her friendships! She is responding well for her age and Arwa and I are so happy. I love my daughter so much!
Oh no! Isabelle is having Bully Problems! 13 years old!
0Isabelle Sofia is having trouble with bullies. This is a stage in anybody`s life that nobody likes. Nobody likes to be picked on. She is very sad and is scared of going out of the house because of the insulting words towards her. The boys pick on her because she is one of the first girls to reach puberty. Boys are cruel and they are not mature enough to deal with body changes. She is now 13 years old and her breasts are getting bigger. She is being called names but Arwa and I are giving her advice to help her overcome this phase of her life that she is having so much trouble with. She is now a lot more social and is having more and more friends every day. She is now wanting to go out and party with her friends. Isabelle Sofia now wants to attend boys and girls parties and that is a real problem.. Arwa and I need to talk about this an have a serious conversation about this.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
It's Feeding Time!
0I hate this part of changing and feeding our child! Would do anything but not this part! I still loveyou Isabelle Sofia!
Article: Growing Up, Acting Out
0He'll Just Say No At this age, a child is struggling to be in charge of his own world and views his bedroom as a space over which he should have complete control. He also may be testing boundaries by defying your requests. But while this may explain his defiance, it doesn't justify it. "You need to set clear rules about what you expect from your preteen--and to establish consequences if those rules are broken," says Laurence Steinberg, Ph.D., author of The Ten Basic Principles of Good Parenting. Let your child have some input into what those rules and consequences should be. Involving him will make him feel his views are respected—and that goes a long way at this age. But don't hesitate to lay down the law if your child wants to do something that you feel is unsafe, unhealthy, or counter to your values. http://www.parents.com/parenting/better-parenting/teenagers/growing-up-acting-out/
You ask your son to clean up his room, and instead of assuring you that he'll get to it, he flat out refuses your request. "I don't feel like it," he says.
Adolescence Begins: 12 Years Old!
0Our stunning girl is now 12 years old. She is starting to become more mature. We can now see a difference in her body and the way she acts. I think our little baby is now starting to become an adolescent. Eddy and I will now start to worry about our little baby, she will now have boys problems and will have kids saying things to her and she will like to go out more and probably Eddy will not like that a lot; but he’ll need to get used to that because Isabelle has earned those days out. She has won both of our trust because her behavior is very good.
Isabelle is starting to live her puberty. Her hormones are crazy and she will start to flirt with the guys and think a lot about them. We have to take that in consideration so I will give her some advice. She also asks permission to go to more parties. She went to this party without parents and we didn't know what to say to her but we thought all the good things she's made; we trust her. Before going to the party we told Isabelle Sofia she should take care of strangers, never leave the building, never drink from someone's else drink, stay close with your friends, and that we want her here by 9:30 p.m. We were so nervous but we trusted her. She has 12 years and I think we should give her this chance to see how can she control it. This makes us an authoritative parent because we let her go out and everything but we set some rules.
We think Isabelle Sofia we'll behave well! We trust so much Isabelle Sofia!
Article: A Guide to Praise
0Introduction It's hard to believe there could be any downside to making your child feel as good as possible about himself. Undoubtedly, self-esteem is still considered to be a cornerstone of healthy child development. Kids who feel bad about themselves are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and eating disorders, and they may be reluctant to join in activities they might enjoy. But a growing number of experts believe that our society's emphasis on self-esteem may be backfiring-that many parents are praising their kids excessively rather than helping them build confidence as a result of their own competence. http://www.parents.com/parenting/better-parenting/style/a-guide-to-praise/
11 Years Of Having A Beautiful Child!
0Our little girl is now turning eleven years old, and for the first time she is having a dance show at school. She is excited because she has been preparing for this dance with Christine, they are both expecting to win first place. The song they are dancing is “Can you hear me?” from Enrique Iglesias.
Isabelle Sofia invited all of our family to watch her at this event. She was very enthusiastic for all of us to attend the event because she wanted to show us the steps she learned with Christine. The two girls looked spectacular; they put some makeup and some glitter, which made them look more beautiful.
The talent show had begun, The girls were the 6th to perform. The other kids who were before them had done a good job, but I was looking forward to see the maturity of my daughter; not to be shy and perform excellent. It was finally Christine’s and Isabelle’s turn. They looked gorgeous. And so the music starts..” Can you hear meeeee?” It sounded cool. I could see how Christine and Isabelle were having so much fun. When the performance finished all the family stood up as well as the crowd and clapped and cheered for the two beautiful girls. We continued to see the rest of the performance.
When all the performances ended, we were all anxious to hear who the winner of the talent show has been. They started from the 3rd place. It was not Isabelle; good sign. The 2nd place; it still wasn’t Isabelle. When they were about to say the first place we were all nervous. And we hear the presenter say the first place goes to Isabelle Handal and Christine Juarez. We all shouted,whistled and clapped. My daughter was so happy. We felt so proud of both girls!
Article:How to Talk About Strangers
0You're always happy to see your child bound up to another kid on the playground and make a new pal. But it's a little unnerving when your preschooler approaches an adult he doesn't know and starts chatting away. "Social skills and independence blossom at ages 4 and 5," says Charles Shubin, MD, associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. "Even a kid who used to hide behind your leg six months ago may now feel comfortable engaging anybody and everybody she meets." http://www.parents.com/kids/safety/stranger-safety/rules-for-stranger-safety/
Isabelle Sofia Handal Qubain Turns 10!
0We are planning a party for our baby girl. She is turning ten years old tomorrow. She wants to go to the beach. Our baby has grown fast. We decided we would go to the beach with her friends. We would go tomorrow in the morning and pick up all her friends. Eddy and I decided to make some salads, make meat, snacks, and take some beverages. We hope our baby will have fun tomorrow.
Isabelle Sofia is now 10 years old. Today we are taking Isabelle and her friends to the beach. We piked up her friends and headed to the beach for some sun and ocean. When we arrived to the beach Eddy and I fixed where we were going to eat and sit down. There were 10 girls including Isabelle.
They went to the beach and played in the water a lot. Isabelle then started to dig in the sand to make a castle. While digging I heard Isabelle screaming very happy. I went to where Isabelle Sofia was and she told me she found a box with 1million lempiras. I was in shock to hear that and see the box with the money. 5 min later, Isabelle saw a piece of paper with a number inside.
We didn’t know what to do. Isabelle said she wanted to stay with it but my morality is post conventional. It is based on ethics and for me it is not etchica to stay with something that is not yours and alsoi it is not ethical to just leave it there so I called and the problem was solved.
Throughout the 10 years Isabelle acts different with little more maturity. She cleans up her room without anybody telling her. She fixes her hair more when she goes to school. She uses bracelets and earrings and is very interested in fashion; she acts more girly now. Isabelle is now in the formal operational stage. In this stage she can reason things abstractly. She can reason that one thing will lead her to another. Just like in a game, one clue will open the path to something new.
We hope Isabelle Sofia learns many more threw time! Happy birthday darling we love you so much!
Article:Taming Toddler Aggression
0If you fear that your toddler will never have any friends because she won't share her toys, take heart. Conflicts over sharing usually subside by the age of 4, when kids not only understand better why sharing is important but also have greater self-control. Another less-than-pleasant by-product of "toddler togetherness" is aggressive behavior-hitting, shoving, and even biting. These unpleasant bullying tactics often stem from anger or territorial issues, the same egocentric mentality mentioned previously. But other instances seem almost random (and, hence, can be highly worrisome to Mom and Dad).
6 + 3 = 9 Years Old!
0By now our Isabelle is 9 years old. She’s now acting weird. Doctors say the hormones just started hitting her and that might make her rebel. Isabelle does not like to eat with us in the table anymore; rather, she stays up in her room and haves dinner there. She also likes to spend lots of time watching TV, specially Disney Channel, that is a good channel, but TV is taking for us to spend time together.
Isabelle is going through a stage called concrete operational stage. In this stage Isabelle will be able to think about things more critically.One time we were doing the math homework together and she has this problem that read 3+10=?and she wrote the right answer and then she had another problem that was 10+3=?and she told me that it was the same thing only that in different order.She already knows how to understand “ difficult and tricky ” problems correctly. She’s very smart.
The egocentric stage came back. Isabelle Sofia started to only think about herself and not sharing with other people. She started to fight with her friend Christine because she would only think about what she wanted and never thought on what Christine wanted. That pissed off Christine the most and so they had a fight. Isabelle knows that fighting brings punishment, so to avoid the punishment, she aapologized to Christine. This is called preconventional morality.
Isabelle Sofia is now very grown up and the attitudes she’s taking are the ones that any kid her age would take. She now worries for her looks more than before Not so much though, but she does. She is still so beautiful and will always be our pretty little baby and we will only have to live up with her stages because we were all that way.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Article:Children Teach Themselves to Read
0The general assumption in our culture is that children must be taught to read. Vast amounts of research go into trying to figure out the scientifically best way to do this. In the education stacks of any major university library you can find rows and rows of books and many journals devoted solely to the topic of how to teach reading. In education circles heated debates--dubbed "the reading wars"--have raged for decades between those who believe that most emphasis should be placed on teaching phonics and those who take what is called a "whole language" approach to reading instruction. Many controlled experiments have been conducted comparing one instruction method to another, with kindergartners and first graders as the guinea pigs. The phonics people say that their method has "won" in those experiments, and the whole language people say that the experiments were rigged.
8 Years! Time Goes Fast!
0Our daughter turned 8 years old today. She is looking so beautiful. She likes playing a lot, although she doesn’t play with Camille as much as she did before. She’s now turning into a big girl. She looks gorgeous. Isabelle has now developed her cognitive development more. Even though she has not lived so many years, in order to see more though life she can now understand many things.
Isabelle is older now, so she now demonstrates us preconventional morality, where she avoids fights with others even though the kids are bothering her too much. The other time a girl insulted her, but she stood quiet and just back off. She received a positive reinforcement because she did the correct thing and so we decided to let her sleep over at her friend Christine’s house and then she could go to the party Robert, another classmate and friend of her had.
Isabelle is now showing us that she is creating and having her own identity. Even though at school there is always a lot of peer pressure she does not do what the other kids do. She does what she think is the correct and tries to tell others not to do bad things. Isabelle is a very good leader.
Isabelle has developed very good abilities at drawing so we decided to put her in art class, not in school; she takes lessons with some other lady. We have now about 10 art works that she has done, they are all very beautiful. Isabelle enjoys a lot drawing and she does it very well. Once we went to the beach and she sat down on a rock next to the ocean and started to draw a beautiful sunset. Eddy and I were amazed to see how beautiful our daughter paints and draws. The frame was one of the most beautiful she has ever done. We are so proud to have Isabelle Sofia as our daughter.
Article: The Language of Parenting: Legitimacy of Parental Authority
0The language we use to talk about parenting tends to evoke strong responses both because parenting and our children are so important to us and because parenting so deeply reflects our values. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/thinking-about-kids/201001/the-language-parenting-legitimacy-parental-authority
Our baby is growing! 7 Years!
0Isabelle Sofia is now 7 years old. Every day she gets taller and beautiful. Isabelle is now starting to develop her own self-concept. She now acts the way she wants, not that she's a bad girl but with a little more freedom. She does things that she knows are right. The way Arwa and I raise our daughter is the way she will act, so we try to raise her very carefully and with lots of respect, responsibility, care and love so that she acts she can show others that we are good parents because we know how to raise her.
We are very caring parents but at the same time we impose some respect to our daughter. So we are consider authoritarian parents. We set down some rule that we expect for Isabelle to follow and if she does not follow them she gets punishments. When Isabelle does something wrong, which is very rare, she knows that she’ll get a punishment.
I would consider for us to be permissive parents because we are not so demanding on many things but what we always demand for Isabelle to do is respect others. When she asks for permission to go out with her friend Christine she will always get it. We trust a lot Isabelle, because so far she has proved to us that she’s a good girl.
Putting these two types of parents together will lead us to the type of parents I really think we are. We are authoritative parents. This is because we set some rules that we hope our little girl will follow and if she doesn’t then we don’t give her permission to do some of the things she would like to do. We are very open parents and we will always listen to what Isabelle need to say to us.
We think Isabelle feels very comfortable with the way we are because she finds a way to tell us how she feels and feels comfortable with that. We show hot much we care for her and how much we love her.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Article: The Respectful Child: How To Teach Respect
0Trying to get respectful behavior out of a preschooler is like trying to get blood from the proverbial stone. That's due, in part, to the fact that her language skills are still developing. So, when told it's bedtime, she's unlikely to say, "Gee, I'm really having fun in the bath. I wonder if I could have five more minutes of playtime?" She's more likely to splash and yell, "No!" with gleeful rebellion glittering in her eyes.
Isabelle Sofia Handal Qubain is Turning 6 Today!
0Today is Isabelle Sofia’s birthday. We organized a birthday party. We invited all her classmates and some other friends. She had so much fun in the pool party we organized. Everyone was enjoying it. She got so many cute presents and received lots of gifts from all her friends and other people.
Isabelle Sofia is growing so quickly. I think we are missing some parts of her life because life is so fast. Lately Isabelle Sofia has become so disrespectful.Every time she sees something she wants it, and sometimes we tell her we cant get it she gets very disrespectful. When we go shopping she always tells me that she wants a dress, she tries it on and I tell her it does not look her and she would never trust what I say and would never accept my opinion. It's always what she says and it cant be that way because Im her mother and she needs to obey me and her dad. We have more experience. By being so disrespectful Isabelle Sofia is receiving a punishment. We had to ground her for a week till she learned that she cant be too disrescpectful. She was also very egocentric. She's always saying she's the prettiest of all her friends. She only talks about her and that she's the best in everything.
After the punishment Isabelle Sofia became very close to me, her mother.She has a very close attachment to me. Many people say this is because I spend a lot of time with her and care for her a lot. It's not that Eddy does not spend time with her but he works and so I'm the one that takes care of her the most. Eddy is very lovely and nice with her too. About three weeks ago Isabelle Sofia had a separation anxiety attack every time she went to school. She starts to cry because she wants to be with me, the doctor says it will last a little and that it is only a phase.
We came from vacations these past 2 days. I remember waiting the airplane to Honduras; we went to a souvenir store in New York, USA. When Eddy, Isabelle, and I enterred the store, Isabelle saw a pink teddy bear and asked if we could buy it; the cost was 40$. It was to much and she started crying and kicking our feet in front of everyone. We didn't know what to do; it was so embarrassing. I tried to calm her but she cried more. We ignored her,but she still cried and kicked her feet i nfront of everyone. All the people looked at Isabelle. She was behaving very inmaturely.
I decided to take her to the bathroom and told Eddy to buy the teddy bear but we would give it in Honduras if we see that she bahaved well throught the rest of the day. When Isabelle and I were in the bathroom I sat her down in a chair and told her in a very mad voice, " You are acting very inmature Isabelle, You are 6 years old and you are doing this huge tantrum. If you don't quiet down I wont buy anything and we will wait in the chairs for the airplane. OK?"
Isabelle quiet down and never cried again. We arrived to Honduras and since she behaved well we gave her as a surprise the pink teddy bear. She sais she was sorry and that it wouldn't happen again.
Overall, our little baby is doing fine. She stopped the separation anxiety she was going through. Our Isabelle Sofia is growing so fast, but we love her so much.
Article: Our Toddler Carries Her Favorite Stuffed Animal Everywhere. Is It Time To Break The Habit?
0Finally! 5 Years Old!
0Today Isabelle Sofia is 5 years old. She has grown a lot now. Her hair is very long; it changed color again, it turned into a little darker but it is not as dark as her dad’s color. She’s taller now; she’s one of the tallest in her class. Isabelle Sofia is still getting good grades at school and we’re both proud of it.
By now we think Isabelle Sofia is growing a lot. She sees the world in a very different point of view how we both see it. She uses different schema than the one Eddy and I use to see the things around in a very different way. If we see that throwing the ball to someone is bad she will see it like if it was funny even though it is not right. Isabelle Sofia assimilates the things that happen in her life to the things she wants to see, using her schema the way she wants. Her new experiences at school, she looks at them as having fun and spending time with her classmates even though it is true, but she goes to school because she needs to learn about life. Isabelle’s new experiences help her accommodate her new adventures into the things she wants to see. She learned how to kick a ball hard and with direction ansd she thought of that as being a soccer player, because she uses what she’s learning to things that she has seen on Tv, which is good because she knows hot to interpret things.
Isabelle Sofia is now spending a lot of time with her new friend, Christine. She invites her home and play together and have a lot of fun together. They even have sleepovers and have so much fun together. Christine is also a very good student so it is good that they get along because they both share the same level of intelligence and will help each other out when they need help, because they even do homework together. Isabelle Sofia even introduced Christine to Camille. Christine also likes Camille a lot, which is good so the three girls play together most of the time.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Article: My son is being bullied at school. What should I do?
0Isabelle Sofia's First Day Of School(Turns 4)
0Today is a very important day for Isabelle Sofia and us. Today is Isabelle Sofia’s first day of school. She’s going to nursery and is preparing to share new adventures with a bunch of new kids. When I woke her up at 6:15 a.m. she cried for a while because she was not used for that change of schedule. Later I told her she had to get ready to go to school, so she got on her blue uniform and was ready to go to school. Isabelle Sofia is going to Escuela Internacional Sampedrana.
For Isabelle Sofia to go to school without complaining we decided to apply reinforcement. We told her that if she went to school without complaining for a month that we would buy her a puppy. She actually behaved well and so we got her the puppy. We were worried that after she got the puppy she would start to cry and become rebel at school so we decided to give her a positive reinforcement. We would every day give her 10 Lps. , if she bahaved well. Apparently Isabelle Sofia liked this, she behaved well every day, so she got her 10 Lps.
At school, Isabelle Sofia applied her preoperational stage to remember the kid’s names.She would always come home from school and first describe me the person she wanted to talk about and then tell me her name, I think describing her was the only way she could remember her name. She would always tell us about her good times at school, or any time a kid bothered her or told her a rude thing.
Her first year at school was very exciting. She always got A+. Isabelle Sofia has a good cognition because she was very good at remembering things. When she got home she would always remember what she saw at school. Isabelle Sofia developed her intelligence very well. She was always one of the top kids with good grades. That made Eddy and I feel proud of our cute little girl.
Isabelle Sofia has been behaving in class from the reports her teacher has gave me, but one day she called me with something so silly but serious. I had to do something about it. Isabelle's teacher told me that she has been getting into fights with another kid over a water bottle. Our strategy will be a punishment. Everytime the teacher calls us telling a bad news or that she stills gets into fights with another kid over water bottles will give her "Time Out" which we lock Isabelle Sofia for 4 or 5 minutes untill she calms her selfs and says sorry.
Hope this works because if not will have to try something else. For now it time for dinner. Got to go to prepare it for Isabelle Sofia and Eddy.
Article: Fever
0How can I tell whether my baby has a fever?
Kiss or touch your baby's forehead. If you think he feels hotter than normal, you're probably right.
A fever is usually a sign that the body is waging a war against infection. Taking your baby's temperature can confirm your suspicions and help you and your child's doctor figure out the best way to get your baby back on the road to health.
Isabelle Sofia Is Now 3 Years Old.
0Today, Isabelle Sofia is finally 3 years old. She can now walk, run, play, go to the bathroom and do many things by her self. Now, Isabelle Sofia uses sensorimotor stage to relate things to other things. She can now see that a ball can be used to play with it; bounce it, kick it, hit it and many more things.
Our little baby is seeing objects that are not round, this is called object permanence. Our baby’s memory will start to remember things so she can recognize them later when seen. In the preoperational stage, when she is 3 years old, Isabelle Sofia will be able to remember people’s name. She can now say her father’s name and my name. Isabelle also remember her grandparent’s name; she is a fast girl!
Later, Isabelle’s behavior has changed a little. She has become a little disrespectful. Her cousin went for a visit to our house and she bullied her through all her visit. So we decided to apply a punishment to her, She won’t be able to play with Camille for two weeks. We told her about this, she started to cry. This was a response to her punishment. Since we punished her, she started to behave better. After applying the punishment, it created a positive effect on her behavior because the next time her cousin came home they would play together without fighting or Isabelle bullying her. Thank God our little cute baby lost that negative behavior.
At about 3 1/2 years, Isabelle Sofia started to have fevers. They were so high. So we decided to take her to the hospital to see what was wrong. Isabelle Sofia felt very bad. The doctors said they did not know what she had. The next day our cute Isabelle Sofia was full of small polka dots. We finally figured out she had Chicken Pox. Chicken Pox was the first bad sickness Isabelle Sofia has had.We gave her many different kinds of medicines. She was in bed for about 2 weeks. We could see in Isabelle Sofia’s expressions how sad and injured she felt. I hope I could feel bad instead of my little poor baby. Eddy and I feel so bad about this because we can’t imagine our little baby suffering. After 2 weeks Isabelle started to feel better. She would now go outside and play. Eddy and I are very content of Isabelle Sofia’s fast recuperation.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Isabelle Sofia's Second Year Of Life
0In about two weeks, Isabelle Sofia will finally be 2 years old. She has developed very well so far. She got a cough about weeks ago, but that’s all she’s gotten. She’s very healthy our little cute baby. By age 2, Isabelle Sofia would develop her motor development. She can now sit up straight and go to the bathroom without having to go with her. She now brushes her teeth alone. She can also speak more fluid now.
By now Isabella Sofia has developed her stimulus very good. She was once by the oven, she got near it and she burned herself, but immediately started crying. She also developed her response to stimulus very good. Moving away from the hot oven and crying was the response to the stimulus. Isabelle Sofia has also acquired (acquisition) many other behaviors. She can now color, and write her name. Those behaviors, she learned them by her self. Isabelle Sofia is very smart and she’s so enthusiastic to enter school.
Today, Isabelle is finally 2 years old. She has become a very respectful girl. Her hair is longer and her hair color has changed into darker brown. Her eyes are a little darker just like the color of his cute dad. She has grown about 30 inches more. Isabelle likes playing with her dolls. She has tons of dolls and they all have names. She has her favorite doll though, she named her Camille. She would take her every where we go and she would always have her around. Isabelle’s temperament is still the same although now she has developed more characteristics then before.
Isabelle Sofia is now in the preoperational stage, she uses many symbols to say or to express whatever she wants. Every time she’s hungry, she touches her tummy or goes to the milk bottle and then I already understand what she wants me to do; feed her.
We have great news! Our baby has been potty trained! She now tells me when she wants to go to the bathroom, and she makes me acompany her. She lowers her trousers and sits down on the toilet but sometimes she needs help. She has matured and she learned how to potty train through her critical period; that has helped her so much. She has been a cute respectuful girl!
Isabelle Sofia uses her condition response to put on her pajama by her self, brush her teeth and go to bed. Isabelle Sofia is a very independent cute baby! Her dad and I love her very much; she’s the best. We help her in anything we can. We are very caring with her and she’s very lovely with us and with everyone around her.