By now our Isabelle is 9 years old. She’s now acting weird. Doctors say the hormones just started hitting her and that might make her rebel. Isabelle does not like to eat with us in the table anymore; rather, she stays up in her room and haves dinner there. She also likes to spend lots of time watching TV, specially Disney Channel, that is a good channel, but TV is taking for us to spend time together.
Isabelle is going through a stage called concrete operational stage. In this stage Isabelle will be able to think about things more critically.One time we were doing the math homework together and she has this problem that read 3+10=?and she wrote the right answer and then she had another problem that was 10+3=?and she told me that it was the same thing only that in different order.She already knows how to understand “ difficult and tricky ” problems correctly. She’s very smart.
The egocentric stage came back. Isabelle Sofia started to only think about herself and not sharing with other people. She started to fight with her friend Christine because she would only think about what she wanted and never thought on what Christine wanted. That pissed off Christine the most and so they had a fight. Isabelle knows that fighting brings punishment, so to avoid the punishment, she aapologized to Christine. This is called preconventional morality.
Isabelle Sofia is now very grown up and the attitudes she’s taking are the ones that any kid her age would take. She now worries for her looks more than before Not so much though, but she does. She is still so beautiful and will always be our pretty little baby and we will only have to live up with her stages because we were all that way.
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