Today Isabelle Sofia is 5 years old. She has grown a lot now. Her hair is very long; it changed color again, it turned into a little darker but it is not as dark as her dad’s color. She’s taller now; she’s one of the tallest in her class. Isabelle Sofia is still getting good grades at school and we’re both proud of it.
By now we think Isabelle Sofia is growing a lot. She sees the world in a very different point of view how we both see it. She uses different schema than the one Eddy and I use to see the things around in a very different way. If we see that throwing the ball to someone is bad she will see it like if it was funny even though it is not right. Isabelle Sofia assimilates the things that happen in her life to the things she wants to see, using her schema the way she wants. Her new experiences at school, she looks at them as having fun and spending time with her classmates even though it is true, but she goes to school because she needs to learn about life. Isabelle’s new experiences help her accommodate her new adventures into the things she wants to see. She learned how to kick a ball hard and with direction ansd she thought of that as being a soccer player, because she uses what she’s learning to things that she has seen on Tv, which is good because she knows hot to interpret things.
Isabelle Sofia is now spending a lot of time with her new friend, Christine. She invites her home and play together and have a lot of fun together. They even have sleepovers and have so much fun together. Christine is also a very good student so it is good that they get along because they both share the same level of intelligence and will help each other out when they need help, because they even do homework together. Isabelle Sofia even introduced Christine to Camille. Christine also likes Camille a lot, which is good so the three girls play together most of the time.
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